Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Study Guide for Session #3

On January 29 & 30, we cover the following:


Reverse Punch: Hand starts by the hip, closed and palm up. Extend arm as your twist to bring palm down. Hit with the two largest knuckles (index and middle fingers).

Inward Chop: Bring hand up next to ear. With hand open, bring the sword edge of the hand in at a 45 degree angle. Hit with the hand between the bottom of the pinky and the wrist.

Ouward Chop. Bring hand up to opposite ear. With hand open, bring the sword edge of the hand in at a 45 degree angle. Hit with the hand between the bottom of the pinky and the wrist.

Three Rules for Handling a Bully

#1: Don't Talk...Walk

A bully is usually good at arguing, shouting, making people feel small with their words. You don't have time for that. If a bully tries talking to you, just walk away.

#2: A Bully Isn't Worth Your Time

When you walk away from a bully, don't do it like you're afraid. Don't do it like you're sad. Do it like the bully hasn't got anything important to say. You just don't have time to listen, and if you did it wouldn't be worth hearing.

#3: Walk to a Safe Place

When you walk away, walk straight to a place you know the bully won't follow. This might be your classroom, or into a group of your friends. The library, principal's office and cafeteria are other good ideas.

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